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Jacquemart-André museum

This museum is located between the Monceau park and the metro Miromesnil, only 15 minutes walk from our hotel.

158 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris 

When you leave the hotel, take a left, then right (rue Lebouteux), then left (pedestrian area : rue de Levis), at the end of the street cross the boulevard de Courcelles, take rue de Miromesnil (shop Lenôtre at the corner) then right on boulevard Haussmann. 

Open everyday from 10am to 6pm and until 8.30pm on Mondays during exhibitions. 

Why you should go :

  • The property is as beautiful from outside (column, lion statue, the entrance) than inside (chandelier, gildings, painted ceiling, the winter garden). It was the property of a wealthy Protestant Family : Nélie Jacquemart et Edouard André. 
  • Explore the permanent collection of fine arts and italian decorative arts from the late 19th century.
  • See the temporary exhibition "From Zurbaran to Rothko" open until July 10th 2017: Alicia Koplowitz has assembled a collection that represents her, with many masterpieces of the greatest artists. It is a very interesting exhibition, with sculptures and paintings of different periods.

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